By Rev Shark Contributor 6/12/2006 9:13 AM EDT
Slight not what's near, while aiming at what's far.
-- Euripedes (484 B.C.-406 B.C.)
Many investors deal with a difficult market environment like we are experiencing now by focusing on the longer-term. They tell themselves "I'm holding good, fundamentally solid stocks and they will eventually bounce back, so I'll just ignore the short-term weakness." If your holding periods are long enough and you are indeed holding good stocks, that can work out just fine.
However, for the more nimble and flexible individual investor, returns can be enhanced greatly by focusing on the near-term. If you are interested in establishing a position in a stock for the longer-term during a weak market, you can increase your ultimate returns and reduce risk quite a bit by staying patient and waiting for better technical conditions to emerge.
When the market is weak, investors tend to underestimate how long such conditions will last. They grow very fearful that their favorite stocks -- which are starting to look like bargains -- will suddenly reverse and go much higher without them. There is often great anxiety about trying to buy at the exact low point: This results in deploying too much precious capital too fast. When the object of our affections doesn't turn up as we had anticipated, we are already so heavily long that we find it very difficult to be patient and we end up selling for a loss just to calm our anxieties.
There is something in most traders that drives us to buy a stock too early rather than late. Although we are equally wrong and are in the same basic position financially, we generally are inclined to be quick to put our money to work rather than late.
One cause of this is that traders are inherently impatient. They want an immediate payback and they project that desire onto their trades. If they don't have money in play they can't generate profits, so they put some in play even if the odds aren't particularly favorable.
Lehman Brothers(LEH) teatas 2. kvartali kasumist $1.69 aktsia kohta, mida on 9 senti rohkem, kui oodati. Eelmise aasta sama kvartali kasum oli $1.13, mistõttu kasumlikkus kasvas 47%. Müügitulu tõusis võrreldes eelmise aasta sama kvartaliga 34.6% $4.41 miljardini. teatas, et on sõlminud mitme-aastase reklaamilepingu juhtiva jaemüüja’iga. Lepingu alusel paneb Sohu’i reklaamid üles teatud Sohu internetilehekülgedele. Leping algab 20. juunil 2006. aastal. Lepingu finantstingimusi ei avaldatud.
Troopiline torm Alberto kogus Mehhiko lahel liikudes jõudu, mil ta esmaspäeva varahommikul USA Idaranniku aja järgi(ET) lahel suuri tuuli üles keerutas. Ilmaennustajad andsis troopilise tormi hoiatuse osale Florida poolsaare läänekaldale. Esimesed tugevad tormid Mehhiko lahel tuletavad inimestele valuliselt meelde eelmise aasta aktiivset orkaanihooaega, kusjuures tormituuli ennustatakse piirkonda hulgaliselt ka selleks aastaks. Nafta kauplejatele pakuvad mõtlemisainet veel taaskordsed väited Iraani poolt, kes väitis täna, et Iraan ei kavatse läbi rääkida uraani rikastamise lõpetamise osas.
Indeksi muutustest:
Pärast tänase börsipäeva sulgumist lisandub S&P600 indeksisse PetMed Express(PETS) ja indeksist väljub Thomas Nelson(TNM).
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Raytheon Co. said Monday it has joined with Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace and Ericsson Microwave Systems to bid on an Estonian air defense contract. Raytheon Missile Systems would serve as the prime contractor, providing the missiles and launchers. Waltham, Mass.-based Raytheon said it expects the Estonian government to decide on the contract sometime in late summer 2006.
Siis sorry - hoian küll erialaselt sellistel uudistel silma peal, kuid siis tõesti ehk tegu lühikese mäluga - pean veidi märkmeid sobrama, tänud värskendamise eest!