General Electric ütles eilsel kohtumisel investoritega, et prognoosib järgmiseks aastaks vähemalt 10%-list kasumikasvu tänu globaalselt tugevale nõudlusele infrastruktuursete toodete osas, lisades et USA majandus võib seda teatud määral negatiivselt mõjutada. Aktsiakasumiks oodatakse 2.42 USD, mis madalam analüütikute mediaanist 2.49 USD.
Citigroupi jaoks oli aktsiakasumi prognoos ootustele vastav. GE Money tulud peaksid kahanema USA-s -20%, kuid rahvusvaheline finantstegevus tõenäoliselt korvab selle ja üldplaanis jääb näitaja samale tasemele 2007. aasta tulemiga. Citi hindab positiivseks GE otsust väljuda krediitkaarditurult, eriti tervitatav oleks täielik eemaldumine finantsteenuste pakkumisest. Maksumääras näeb GE 2%-list tõusu, ajendades Citit langetama nii 2008.a kui 2009.a aktsiakasumi ootust 0.02 dollari võrra. Üldplaanis ollakse seda meelt, et GE-l on piisavad eeldused lüüa S&P 500, kui suudetakse näidata/lüüa prognoositud tulemusi.
Morgan Stanley ei pidanud konverentsikõnet eriti inspireerivaks, rõhutades oodatust kehvema aktsiakasumi ja marginaalide väljakäimist. Kui GE arvab, et suudab marginaale parandada vaid 30-50 baaspunkti võrra, prognoosis Morgan kasumlikkuse paranemist 70-100 baaspunkti vahemikus. Aktsia osas jäädakse “overweight” soovituse juurde, kuid tunnistatakse pettumust selle liikumises osas pärast reitingu upgrade’mist kaks aastat tagasi. GE konservatiivsed ootused ja GE Capitali realistlikud eeldused aitavad taastada kaotatud usaldusväärsuse ettevõtte suhtes. Morgani huvi aktsia vastu on ennekõike tingitud äärmiselt atraktiivsest infrastruktuuriärist ning nägemusest, et GE kavatseb jätkuvalt astuda samme ümberorganiseerimises.
Eilse Föderaalreservi otsuse päeval jäi tähelepanu alt välja Citigroupi(C) uue tegevdirektori nimi – selleks on Vikram Pandit. Bloombergi peal on mehega ka video tehtud ning see on siin.
Töötajate arvu olulist kärpimist ja dividendide vähendamist näevad analüütikud lähiaja trende iseloomustavate lausetena. Pandit ise dividendide vähendamisest rääkida hetkel ei taha. Citi uus tegevdirektor on lubanud väga objektiivse ja kalgi pilguga Citigroupi üksuste tegevused üle vaadata ning tagada, et efektiivsus tõuseks ja kapitali ei raisataks. Koondamistest on praegu mehe sõnul veel vara rääkida. Aga nii suure ettevõttega tutvumine võtab uuel CEO-l kahtlemata päris palju aega ning ümberpööramine ei saa kindlasti kiire olema.
Kui juba Citigroupist juttu tuli, siis Morgan Stanley on täna väljas calliga, milles nimetavad Citit oma top short ideeks aastal 2008. Täpsem kommentaar Notablecallsi kaudu:
B of A sees 4Q provision expense of $3.3 bln B of A sees rising consumer charge-offs B of A will still report 4Q profit Bank of America sees "disappointing" Q4 results B of A sees larger than expected CDO writedowns ahead
Today, the Bank of Canada, the Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the Federal Reserve, and the Swiss National Bank are announcing measures designed to address elevated pressures in short-term funding markets. Actions taken by the Federal Reserve include the establishment of a temporary Term Auction Facility (approved by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) and the establishment of foreign exchange swap lines with the European Central Bank and the Swiss National Bank (approved by the Federal Open Market Committee). Under the Term Auction Facility (TAF) program, the Federal Reserve will auction term funds to depository institutions against the wide variety of collateral that can be used to secure loans at the discount window. All depository institutions that are judged to be in generally sound financial condition by their local Reserve Bank and that are eligible to borrow under the primary credit discount window program will be eligible to participate in TAF auctions. All advances must be fully collateralized. By allowing the Federal Reserve to inject term funds through a broader range of counterparties and against a broader range of collateral than open market operations, this facility could help promote the efficient dissemination of liquidity when the unsecured interbank markets are under stress. Each TAF auction will be for a fixed amount, with the rate determined by the auction process (subject to a minimum bid rate). The first TAF auction of $20 billion is scheduled for Monday, December 17, with settlement on Thursday, December 20; this auction will provide 28-day term funds, maturing Thursday, January 17, 2008. The second auction of up to $20 billion is scheduled for Thursday, December 20, with settlement on Thursday, December 27; this auction will provide 35-day funds, maturing Thursday, January 31, 2008. The third and fourth auctions will be held on January 14 and 28, with settlement on the following Thursdays. The amounts of those auctions will be determined in January. The Federal Reserve may conduct additional auctions in subsequent months, depending in part on evolving market conditions.
"Many market players" läksid vist peale FOMCI otsust lühikeseks:
Fed Tries to Tame Liquidity Mess With Auctions
By Rev Shark Contributor 12/12/2007 9:12 AM EST
Here is the Fed news that was rumored after the close last night: It is going to try to alleviate liquidity pressures by holding auctions for funds rather than setting fixed rates.
I'm not going to go into the details, but many market players are extremely unhappy with the manner in which these announcements were made. Why allow the market to be slammed by the initial interest rate decision and then jerk back up a few hours later with a surprise decision?
In any event, this adds a whole new level of complexity to the market action at this point. I'm not sure the market is going to suddenly be reassured now and forget what happened yesterday, even though it is acting that way at the moment.
I'm going to give the market a bit of time to settle down after the open before making any moves. I'm still holding some hedges from yesterday and am contemplating adding to them, but I will watch and wait for now.