Teist päeva järjest näitasid Ühendriikide aktsiaturud avanedes veenvat plussi, kuid erinevalt viimase kahe kuu jooksul domineerinud mõttemallist, kus igat väiksemat langust kasutati ostmiseks, lõpetasid indeksid sessiooni põhjades (S&P pööras +0,8% võidu -0,3% kaotuseks). Langused on jäänud siiani siiski suhteliselt marginaalseks ning liialt ennatlik oleks nende baasil oodata investorite kindlustunde põhjalikumat raputamist. Positiivsest küljest on üleostetud sentiment muutunud viimase nädalaga neutraalsemaks. Euroopas ronis Stoxx 600 0,3%ga teist päeva kõrgemale, lõpetades terasetootjate ja Itaalia pankade eestvedamisel ühe nädala tippudel.
Ehkki jooksev inflatsioon on Ühendriikides kiirenenud kolme aasta kõrgeimale tasemele ning pakkunud nii turuosaliste kui ka Föderaalreservi esindajate seas palju kõneainet, ei ole paljud, sh Janet Yellen, hinnatõusu jätkumises kindlad, kuna ootused jäävad madalaks. New Yorki FEDi avaldatud küsitluse kohaselt alanes tarbijate 2019.a mediaan inflatsiooniootus märtsis tagasi 2,5% peale, olles veebruaris põrganud 2,45% pealt 2,6%le, märkides taastumist madalaimalt tasemelt alates 2013.a juunist.
Lähinädalatel jääb Kreeka taas tavapärasest rohkem radarile, kuna riigil tuleb saavutada kreeditoridega kokkulepe järgmise kärpemeetmete paketi osas. IMF jääb eriarvamusele Euroopa Komisjoniga, seades kahtluse alla selle, kas taotletav 5,4 miljardi euro suurune kokkuhoid aitab saavutada 2018.a eesmärgiks seatud 3,5% eelarve ülejääki (intresse arvestamata). IMF väidab, et Kreeka saavutab antud meetmetega vaid 1,5% ülejäägi ning soovib lisaks Kreeka võlakoormat vähendada laenude restruktureerimise läbi, millele Saksamaa on vastu seisnud. Kreeka vajab järgmist laenuosa enne juulit, sest siis tuleb valitsusel tasuda 3,5 miljardi euro suurune võlg.
Tänase börsipäeva kalender jääb taas üsna õhukeseks, kui mitmel pool Euroopas avaldatakse märtsikuu inflatsiooninumbrid ning Ühendriikides selgub väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks. IMFilt oodatakse värskeid prognoose, mis eeldatavalt peegeldavad suurenenud riske globaalse majanduse tervisele.
09.00 Saksamaa inflatsioon (märtsi lõplik)
10.30 Rootsi inflatsioon (märts)
11.30 Suurbritannia inflatsioon (märts)
13.00 USA väikefirmade kindlustunde indeks (märts)
15.00 Brasiilia jaemüük (veebruar)
16.00 FEDi Harker esineb kõnega
21.00 USA valitsuse eelarve tasakaal (märts)
22.00 FEDi Williams esineb kõnega
23.00 FEDi Lacker esineb kõnega
Rootsi inflatsioon hüppas märtsis 0,4% pealt 0,8% peale (oodati 0,7%) seda nii tänu energiale kui ka alusinflatsiooni kiirenemisele (1,9% YoY), mis peaks jääma analüütikute arvates siiski ajutiseks nähtuseks.

oodatust kiiremaks osutus ka Suurbritannia alusinflatsioon, mis hüppas 0,3pp võrra 1,5%le (prognoositi 1,3%).
Dearer clothing and higher air fares, influenced by the timing of Easter, are behind the rise in CPI, which is still low by historic standards.
Dearer clothing and higher air fares, influenced by the timing of Easter, are behind the rise in CPI, which is still low by historic standards.

IMF WEO: 'Fragile' World Economy Needs Monetary Stimulus
IMF WEO: 'Fragile' World Economy Needs Monetary Stimulus

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: PERY +3.3%, JRJC +2.8%, OZRK +0.5%
M&A news: MRO +2.3% (to sell certain non-core assets for $950 mln)
Select EU financial related names showing continued strength: SAN +2.1%, ING +1.8%, BCS +1.5%, CS +1.2%, DB +0.6%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: BHP +3.9%, RIO +3.8%, BBL +3.4%, MTL +3.1%, VALE +2.5%, FCX +2.2%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: REXX +11.2%, LEI +5.3%, HLX +4.7%, SDRL +3.9%, CHK +3.6%, RIG +1.6%, PBR +1%, STO +0.8%
Other news: EGLE +14.3% (Goldentree Asset Management disclosed active 18.6% stake in 13D), ARNA +10.3% (reports favorable results from Phase 1b multiple-ascending dose clinical trial of APD371), SUNE +7% (continued volatility in pre-mkt action), NMR +4.6% (confirms strategic changes in EMEA and the Americas), CEL +3% (announces Israeli Antitrust & Ministry of Communications oppose Golan Telecom purchase), VRX +1% (completes amendment to its credit facility to extend the deadline for filing its 10-K to May 31)
Analyst comments: FOLD +8.1% (target raised to $15 at Chardan Capital Markets; feels co could be bought for >$22.50/share), CPXX +6% (initiated with a Buy at Needham), P +3.2% (initiated with a Buy at Citigroup), MT +2.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman; added to Conviction Buy List), YNDX +2.5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman), N +2.4% (initiated with an Overweight at Mitsubishi UFJ), GLW +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: JNPR -7.5%, FAST -3.7%, AA -3.6%
Other news: NOK -1.5% (likely trading lower in sympathy with peer ERIC (ERIC initiated with Sell at CS), SRC -1.3% (upsizes offering by 3 mln shares and prices 30 mln shares of common stock at $11.15), CSCO -1.3% (may be in sympathy with JNPR), GWW -1% (in sympathy with FAST (FAST reported earnings))
Analyst comments: FUEL -3.7% (resumed with a Sell at Citigroup), SBUX -2.3% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank), ERIC -1.5% (initiated with a Sell at Credit Agricole), PHH -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Sterne Agee CRT), AVP -1% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray).
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: PERY +3.3%, JRJC +2.8%, OZRK +0.5%
M&A news: MRO +2.3% (to sell certain non-core assets for $950 mln)
Select EU financial related names showing continued strength: SAN +2.1%, ING +1.8%, BCS +1.5%, CS +1.2%, DB +0.6%
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: BHP +3.9%, RIO +3.8%, BBL +3.4%, MTL +3.1%, VALE +2.5%, FCX +2.2%
Select oil/gas related names showing strength: REXX +11.2%, LEI +5.3%, HLX +4.7%, SDRL +3.9%, CHK +3.6%, RIG +1.6%, PBR +1%, STO +0.8%
Other news: EGLE +14.3% (Goldentree Asset Management disclosed active 18.6% stake in 13D), ARNA +10.3% (reports favorable results from Phase 1b multiple-ascending dose clinical trial of APD371), SUNE +7% (continued volatility in pre-mkt action), NMR +4.6% (confirms strategic changes in EMEA and the Americas), CEL +3% (announces Israeli Antitrust & Ministry of Communications oppose Golan Telecom purchase), VRX +1% (completes amendment to its credit facility to extend the deadline for filing its 10-K to May 31)
Analyst comments: FOLD +8.1% (target raised to $15 at Chardan Capital Markets; feels co could be bought for >$22.50/share), CPXX +6% (initiated with a Buy at Needham), P +3.2% (initiated with a Buy at Citigroup), MT +2.8% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman; added to Conviction Buy List), YNDX +2.5% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman), N +2.4% (initiated with an Overweight at Mitsubishi UFJ), GLW +2.1% (upgraded to Buy from Neutral at Goldman)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: JNPR -7.5%, FAST -3.7%, AA -3.6%
Other news: NOK -1.5% (likely trading lower in sympathy with peer ERIC (ERIC initiated with Sell at CS), SRC -1.3% (upsizes offering by 3 mln shares and prices 30 mln shares of common stock at $11.15), CSCO -1.3% (may be in sympathy with JNPR), GWW -1% (in sympathy with FAST (FAST reported earnings))
Analyst comments: FUEL -3.7% (resumed with a Sell at Citigroup), SBUX -2.3% (downgraded to Hold from Buy at Deutsche Bank), ERIC -1.5% (initiated with a Sell at Credit Agricole), PHH -1.1% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Sterne Agee CRT), AVP -1% (downgraded to Neutral from Overweight at Piper Jaffray).