Oodatust pisut nõrgemaks jäänud USA septembrikuu tööturu raport viis S&P 500 indeksi keskpäevaks -0,7% madalamale, kuid ostjad ei pannud pead liiva alla, vaid aitasid päeva lõpuks kaotust vähendada -0,3%ni, mis jättis indeksi nädala lõikes -0,7% punasesse. Euroopas sulgus Stoxx 600 reedel -0,9% madalamal ning pani nädalale punkti sarnase taandumisega.
Kokku loodi Ühendriikides septembris 156 tuhat töökohta, mis osutus oodatud 172 tuhandest tagasihoidlikumaks. -11 tuhande võrra vähenes avalikus sektoris töökohtade arv, millest johtuvalt kasvas erasektori näit 167 tuhande võrra ning see jäi analüütikute prognoosile juba märksa lähemale (erasektori prognoosiks oli 170 tuhat, augustis loodi 144 tuhat). Töötuse määr kerkis 0,1pp võrra 5,0%le, mis oli tingitud positiivsest põhjusest, kuna tööjõus osalemise määr kerkis kümnendiku võrra 62,9%le, mis on kõrgeim tase alates 2014.a veebruarist. Keskmise tunnipalga kasv kiirenes ootuspäraselt 2,6%le, (-0,1pp tsükli tipust), aga positiivset mõju avaldas palgapäeva langemine samale nädalale, mil küsitlust läbi viiakse.
Oma pühapäevases kõnes nentis FEDi asepresident Stanley Fischer, et töökohtade loomine on jätkunud Ühendriikides piisavas tempos, mis tõstab majapidamiste sissetulekut ning peaks aasta teises pooles toetama tarbimiskulutusi. Intressimäär otsustati septembris samaks jätta tema sõnul väga väikse häälte ülekaaluga, kuid praeguses punktis ei näe ta, et FED oleks tuleviku inflatsiooni kontrollimisel hiljaks jäämas, mis lubab intressimäära tõsta aeglases tempos. Turuosaliste hinnangul kahanes intressimäära kergitamise tõenäosus novembris 23,6% pealt 17,1%le ja detsembris kerkis 51,3%lt 54,5%le.
Tööturu raporti järgne nädal saab majandusuudiste osas olema tavapäraselt vaikne, kui suuremat tähelepanu võiks saada reedel avalikustatav USA septembrikuu jaemüügi statistika ning Janet Yelleni esinemine Bostoni FEDi konverentsil. Alcoa avab teisipäeval kolmanda kvartali tulemuste hooaja, kuigi sellesse nädalasse jäävad veel vaid suuremate pankade numbrid. Oluliselt aktiivsemaks muutub raporteerimine järgmisest nädalast.
09.00 Saksamaa kaubandusstatistika (august)
11.00 Itaalia tööstustoodang (august)
Saksamaa import ja eksport tegid oodatust tugevama põrke augustis. Eksport kasvas MoM 5,4% (prog 2,2%) ning import 3,0% (prog 0,7%). Ka mullusega võrreldes võis täheldada aktiivsemat kaubavahetust

Nii nagu teiste suuremate eurotsooni riikide puhu, ületas ka Itaalia augusti tööstustoodang tublisti ootusi, kerkides MoM 1,7% (prog -0,1%) ning YoY 4,1% (prog -0,3%)

Gapping up
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: NXTD +17.6%, MOBL +14.1%, .
M&A news: EGAS +69.1% (agrees to be acquired by First Reserve for $13.10/share in cash), SU +0.9% (mulling a potential sale of its of its Petro-Canada retail gasoline station unit, according to Reuters)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: DRD +2.9%, PAAS +2.5%, AG +2.4%, AUY +2.2%, MT +1.9%, ABX +1.3%, SLV +0.8%
Other news: IPCI +15.5% (receives FDA tentative approval for generic Seroquel XR), TSRO +15% (present successful Niraparib Phase 3 results of ENGOT-OV16/NOVA trial), MYL +11.6% (agrees to settlement on Medicaid rebate classification for EpiPen Auto-Injector, lowers FY16 EPS guidance; also upgraded to Strong Buy from Market Perform at Raymond James), MZOR +7.4% (Mazor Robotics receives first pre-launch orders for Mazor X System), CLDX +6% (reports Phase 2 Study of Glembatumumab Vedotin met primary overall response endpoint), EXEL +4.9% (Exelixis and Ipsen (IPSEY) report Phase 2 study of Cabozantinib met the primary endpoint of improving progression-free survival), CASC +4% (presentation of tucatinib in combination therapy in patients with cutaneous HER2+ metastatic breast cancer), LPCN +3.5% (cont strength after Friday's announcement of U.S. District Court in Delaware granted its motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Clarus Therapeutics), MRK +3.3% (announced findings from the final overall survival analysis from the KEYNOTE-002 study), CRM +2.9% (reports that co is no longer interesting in offer for TWTR), AYA +2.7% (confirms discussions with William Hill PLC are ongoing), TSLA +2.2% (Elon Musk in series of tweets teases October 17 product unveiling, says it and SolarCity (SCTY) won't need to raise debt or equity in Q4), IONS +2.1% (Biogen (BIIB) and Ionis Pharmaceuticals (IONS) presented new data from the clinical program for nusinersen), VRX +2% (in sympathy with MYL), TEVA +1.9% (in sympathy with MYL), PRGO +1.4% (in sympathy with MYL)
Analyst comments: UA +2.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo ), ATHN +2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Evercore ISI), DE +1.6% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), TSN +1.2% (upgraded to Buy from Outperform at CLSA), STO +0.8% (added to European Focus List at Citigroup)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: DOV -6.8%
M&A news:
TWTR -13.1% (Bloomberg reports that potential suitors have lost interest, won't bid for the company)
Select EU financial related names showing weakness:
RBS -2.2%, BCS -0.9%, PUK -0.9%, LYG -0.8%
Other news:
OPTT -15.1% (launches underwritten public offering of 2.5 mln shares of its common stock)
BMY -6.4% (several presentations at ESMO conf)
TWLO -5.9% (files for $400 mln offering of common stock by it and various selling shareholders)
NVO -1.8% (receives Complete Response Letter from the FDA regarding the New Drug Application for faster-acting insulin aspart)
VIV -1.7% (appoints Eduardo Navarro as president and CEO of Telefonica Brazil)
Analyst comments:
MYGN -5.4% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Ladenburg Thalmann)
UTX -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)
NFLX -1.4% (initiated with a Sell at Deutsche Bank)
HVT -0.8% (downgraded to Mkt Perform at Raymond James)
In reaction to strong earnings/guidance: NXTD +17.6%, MOBL +14.1%, .
M&A news: EGAS +69.1% (agrees to be acquired by First Reserve for $13.10/share in cash), SU +0.9% (mulling a potential sale of its of its Petro-Canada retail gasoline station unit, according to Reuters)
Select metals/mining stocks trading higher: DRD +2.9%, PAAS +2.5%, AG +2.4%, AUY +2.2%, MT +1.9%, ABX +1.3%, SLV +0.8%
Other news: IPCI +15.5% (receives FDA tentative approval for generic Seroquel XR), TSRO +15% (present successful Niraparib Phase 3 results of ENGOT-OV16/NOVA trial), MYL +11.6% (agrees to settlement on Medicaid rebate classification for EpiPen Auto-Injector, lowers FY16 EPS guidance; also upgraded to Strong Buy from Market Perform at Raymond James), MZOR +7.4% (Mazor Robotics receives first pre-launch orders for Mazor X System), CLDX +6% (reports Phase 2 Study of Glembatumumab Vedotin met primary overall response endpoint), EXEL +4.9% (Exelixis and Ipsen (IPSEY) report Phase 2 study of Cabozantinib met the primary endpoint of improving progression-free survival), CASC +4% (presentation of tucatinib in combination therapy in patients with cutaneous HER2+ metastatic breast cancer), LPCN +3.5% (cont strength after Friday's announcement of U.S. District Court in Delaware granted its motion to dismiss a lawsuit filed by Clarus Therapeutics), MRK +3.3% (announced findings from the final overall survival analysis from the KEYNOTE-002 study), CRM +2.9% (reports that co is no longer interesting in offer for TWTR), AYA +2.7% (confirms discussions with William Hill PLC are ongoing), TSLA +2.2% (Elon Musk in series of tweets teases October 17 product unveiling, says it and SolarCity (SCTY) won't need to raise debt or equity in Q4), IONS +2.1% (Biogen (BIIB) and Ionis Pharmaceuticals (IONS) presented new data from the clinical program for nusinersen), VRX +2% (in sympathy with MYL), TEVA +1.9% (in sympathy with MYL), PRGO +1.4% (in sympathy with MYL)
Analyst comments: UA +2.5% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo ), ATHN +2% (upgraded to Buy from Hold at Evercore ISI), DE +1.6% (upgraded to Outperform from Market Perform at Wells Fargo), TSN +1.2% (upgraded to Buy from Outperform at CLSA), STO +0.8% (added to European Focus List at Citigroup)
Gapping down
In reaction to disappointing earnings/guidance: DOV -6.8%
M&A news:
TWTR -13.1% (Bloomberg reports that potential suitors have lost interest, won't bid for the company)
Select EU financial related names showing weakness:
RBS -2.2%, BCS -0.9%, PUK -0.9%, LYG -0.8%
Other news:
OPTT -15.1% (launches underwritten public offering of 2.5 mln shares of its common stock)
BMY -6.4% (several presentations at ESMO conf)
TWLO -5.9% (files for $400 mln offering of common stock by it and various selling shareholders)
NVO -1.8% (receives Complete Response Letter from the FDA regarding the New Drug Application for faster-acting insulin aspart)
VIV -1.7% (appoints Eduardo Navarro as president and CEO of Telefonica Brazil)
Analyst comments:
MYGN -5.4% (downgraded to Sell from Neutral at Ladenburg Thalmann)
UTX -1.7% (downgraded to Neutral from Buy at Citigroup)
NFLX -1.4% (initiated with a Sell at Deutsche Bank)
HVT -0.8% (downgraded to Mkt Perform at Raymond James)